"Bruxism affects an estimated 8 percent of adults. Could you be one of them?"
Is your peaceful sleep being disrupted due to grinding and clenching in your jaw? Excessive grinding and clenching are known as bruxism, which generally occurs during sleep.
Bruxism may worsen over time if it is left untreated and can lead to extensive oral damage. If you or your loved ones notice the signs of bruxism, make an appointment with The Dental Boutique on the Gold Coast to discuss the best bruxism treatment and more dental solutions for a clicking jaw.
Bruxism Frequently Asked Questions
Unfortunately for the thousands of Australians who struggle with bruxism, this condition can lead to additional problems with tooth pain, alignment and damage.
To help you understand the causes, symptoms, and treatments, our professional dentists have answered the most common questions about bruxism.
What Causes Bruxism?
Jaw clenching and teeth grinding can be caused by emotional issues, such as anxiety, stress and anger. Other causes include stimulant drug use, dehydration, poor tooth alignment, sleep disorders and sickness. Some people suffer from bruxism due to their antidepressants – if this is your case, your doctor may be able to prescribe an alternate medication.
What are the Symptoms of Tooth Grinding?
It can be difficult to determine whether you grind during the night, and in many cases, your partner or a family member may be the first to notice your condition. The signs of bruxism include:
- Headaches, jaw and ear pain
- Aching teeth
- Stiffness of the face and temples
- Tooth indentations on the tongue and inside the gums
- Increased tooth sensitivity
- Clicking jaw
If these symptoms are particularly noticeable when you wake up in the morning, it is highly likely they are caused by teeth grinding in your sleep.
Do you need bruxism treatment?
Once we have determined the source of the problem, bruxism treatment can be simple and effective. Treatments include custom oral appliances and neuromuscular dentistry to relax the jaw muscles and address misalignment.
Top Bruxism Treatment on the Gold Coast
If clenching and grinding your jaw bother you, or you suffer from constant headaches, pain, lack of sleep, and poor concentration that get in the way of everyday activities, our dentists can help.
Contact The Dental Boutique today to discover the source of your problem and enjoy premium treatments that make a significant difference to a clenched or clicking jaw.